Covid-19 Safety Protocols

In view of the disruption to travel at the present time as a result of the Pandemic, we have introduced flexible booking terms so that once you have booked, should your future travel plans be affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19), you can amend your travel dates to be postponed until later with no penalty so long as the pandemic continues and if the situation warrants this.

Dear Guest,

Welcome to Garreta Mobile Camps, a world class tour company based in Kenya. We offer top notch tour services and unlimited ultimate destinations all over Africa. We thank you for making us your travel partner and we promise to deliver.
Because we care for you, we would like inform you well in advance about our COVID-19 Management Protocols for our guests, because your safety is our concern.

About The Virus (What is COVID-19?)

Coronavirus disease (COVID19) is a respiratory disease of international public health concern caused by a “novel coronavirus” not previously seen.
Common signs of infection include:

  • Respiratory symptoms,
  • Cough,
  • Fever,
  • Shortness of breath and
  • Trouble breathing.

In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute

How The virus Spread

Human corona viruses may spread by respiratory droplets from an infected person to others through:

  • The air by coughing and sneezing,
  • close personal contact e.g. touching or shaking hands,
  • touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your nose or eye before washing hands.How to Reduce the Risk of Infection

How to Reduce the Risk of Infection

  • Wash your hands often and correctly.
  • Cover your mouth or nose while coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid close contact with potentially infected individuals
  • Thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting personal items.
  • Stay at home while you are sick.
  • Contact a doctor immediately in the event of symptoms.

Garreta Mobile Camps has put in place measures in line with the Ministry of Health guidelines to ensure safety of our guests. The following therefore are the COVID-19 SAFETY and MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS that you can expect during your travel with us:

Screening Process at Entry

  • Screening using a non-contact infrared thermometer.
  • Sanitization of both your hands and luggage.
  • Visual observation of COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Wear mask at all times during the journey.
  • Provide COVID-19 free certificate for verification
  • Be provide with the Ministry of health hotline numbers for any health emergency.

During Tour/Safari

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer at the beginning, during and at the end of the tour, after going to the bathroom, before and after eating and after touching your face or hair.
  • Maintain 1.5 Metres Distance from other tour groups always.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
  • Use the provided stickers to mark your water bottles.
  • Avoid sharing things such as goggles, caps, binoculars or sanitize regularly.
  • Report immediately if you feel unwell before, during or after the tour.
  • Any participant who is unwell with symptoms such as sore throat, runny or blocked nose should stay at home and not attend tours.
  • Disembarking will take place only at designated points.
  • Pick up of guests for tours will be done from an approved accommodation provider, cruise port, licensed tour operator or designated tour point only.

General protocols

  • The tour vehicle will be sanitized after every disembarking
  • Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes available for use inside the vehicle.
  • Additional face masks available in the vehicle.
  • The vehicle is allowed to carry a maximum of seven (7) guests only in line with the Ministry of health guideline of 1.5
  • Meters distance.


We encourage our guests to use cashless payment technologies
to avoid contacts with solid cash. These technologies include:

  • Cash transfers.
  • Internet banking
  • Credit cards
  • Mobile banking